Star of the Week was a truly touching story. It is the story of a girl named Cassidy-Li who gets to be star of the week at school. When you are star of the week you get to bring a snack to class and make a poster that tell about yourself. Cassidy was so excited! She found pictures of her parents when they first adopted her, pictures of her cousins, best friend from Chinese school and preschool, her grandparents, and her doing activities she loves. When she completes her poster she still feels like it is missing something, her birth parents. She misses her birth parents sometimes and wishes she knew what they looked like. She decides to draw a picture of them so that they are apart of her poster. She is nervous to go to school the next day because she is scared kids will ask questions about being adopted. When she arrives at school she shares her poster and they all clap for her!
I found this book very relevant and important. There are many children who are adopted from china and from other countries and even from America. This book is a great way to introduce adoption to children and explain to them what it means. It is also good for children who are adopted and are struggling with what it means. Though Cassidy-Li's story is a happy one, not all of them are.
I really enjoyed the way they shared all about Cassidy-Li's life through pictures. It was great to see she has so many people in her life that care about her. She seems very happy and well taken care of. This realistic fiction novel would be good for children in 1st-2nd grade. The illustrations were also very beautiful and life like. This realistic fiction novel is a great one for your classroom. It can be a nice read aloud book to inform students that not everybody's families are the same.
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