Dem Bones is a book that goes through all the major bones in the human body. It shows the bone and explains what the bone is connected to, like that little song we use to sing as kids "the foot bones connected to the...ankle bone, the ankle bones connected to the...leg bone, the leg bones connected to the...knee bones, and so on and so forth. It gives a little description of the bone and then some functions that that bones allows us to do.
This fun book is a great way for children to learn all about the bones in their bodies. It is a great information book that still has a fun childrens book feel to it. I think this book would be great when teaching science to children. Even though the book is simple, it could still be a good book to use for kids in older grades like 5th or 6th. The illustrations show the reader the different bones and use a lot of color.
I really like this book as a way to teach the bones in the body. While reading it there were many things about the bones that I still did not know as a adult so I think that this book would be really helpful for students learning about the body.
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