Peeny Butter Fudge is a story about children who spend the day with their Nana. They do a lot of fun things together through out the day like playtime, napping, story time. Nana takes these ordinary activities and transforms them into adventures with fairies, dragons, dancing, and pretending. One of the the things they do at the very is end is make Nana and Mommys famous Peeny Butter Fudge.
This story was written by Pulitzer Prize-winner Toni Morrison and her son Slade. It is a great family story that will bring families together when reading it. The pictures are made from oil paints are very bright and vibrant. The illustrator Joe Cepeda uses colors like yellow, red, pink, and purple to really make the pictures pop out. The rhyming of the pages also makes for a fun story that kids can really get into. It creates a nice flow for an easy read.
Another great thing about this story is that the family is of African-American decent. It is a great way to bring culture into your classroom and talk about how this family does activities that are probably similar to all the other kids in class. It is a great way to bring in difference, but also show similarities. At the end the story, Toni Morrison adds a recipe for making Peeny Butter Fudge so that a parent and their child can make it together after reading the story.
I thought this book was beautifully written and could be great for children in K-3rd grade and maybe even older. It is a fun and heart warming story that makes you want to cuddle up with your loved ones and eat some yummy Peeny Butter Fudge.
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