P.S Longer Letter Later is a great young adult book. I remember all my friends were reading it in 5th grade, but I was not much of a free reader back then. When I saw it on the bookshelf I knew I had to read it now. The book is written in letter form between two best friends. One of the friends has just moved away with her family but the girls vow to stay friends through letters and sharing stories of what is going on in their lives without the other. Tara*starr, the girl who moved away, is a free spirit who always wants to be the center of attention while her friend Elizabeth is on the shy side. Tara's parents had her at a young age and have dealt with money problems for most of Tara's life. Elizabeth was raised in a wealthy home where she was always taken care of.
All of this changes when Tara moves. Tara's parents begin to make responsibility over themselves and their daughter while Elizabeth's life slowly falls apart as her father loses his job and turns to drinking. I love that this book is written in letter form. It allows you to really get to know the personalities of the girls. They find it difficult to keep their friendship going while being apart from each other and with the family problems Elizabeth is having. The girls have fights through out the book in which the letter writing stops on one side.
This book is very unique and fun, but it also deals with serious issues. Many children have money issues in their families and these things can be very hard to deal with and talk about with friends. On the surface it seems like a book about two best friends sharing funny stories, it actually deals with much deeper issues. Dealing with friends moving away, financial problems, young parents, or neglectful parents.
I really liked this book and could not put it down. I would recommend it to any middle school aged kid. Though girls may like it because of the female characters I still think their is a lot boys can get out of it as well.
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