The Snaggle Grollop is a modern fantasy about a young boy named Sam who asks his parents for a pet. His parents keep saying no because they would be to much to take care of. He then asks them for a Snaggle Grollop, a fictional creature. His parents say yes because they believe this "thing" to be fictional, that is until he comes home with Sam one day. At first they are confused and taken aback by this creature but they soon grow to love it. The Snaggle Grallop grows lonely and wants someone like him to be with. That is when Sam's friend Emily wishes for Quibble Snuff. The two creatures become fast friends and fly off together.
The Snaggle Grollop is a funny story that is sure to bring laughs to children. I am sure many children out there make up creatures like this in their heads and would want to have one of them for a pet. It is great for kids who have big imaginations. The pictures are very colorful and eye catching. I also really liked the font on the pages, it was different then the standard font that is mostly used. I also liked the font was not in its typical horizontal lines, but it squiggles. The theme of friendship is present in this novel, and it is important for young kids to learn about the important of having good friends in their lives.
This great fantastical story would be a sure winner for kids in first and second grade. Its funny and creative story line will be easy for kids to follow and enjoy.
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