The Very Hungry Caterpillar is one of the first book I remember reading as a kid. The book is about the process a caterpillar goes through when transforming into a butterfly. It starts off with an egg being laid and then a little hungry caterpillar emerging from the egg. The caterpillar is hungry and searches for food. It eats anything it can find. The caterpillar was very full from all its eating and built himself a cocoon to rest in. When the caterpillar emerged from the cocoon days later he was not a beautiful butterfly.
The story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar is very well known and popular. It is great to read to students in kindergarten to second grade because it is a very basic story. The book explains the life of a caterpillar and teaches the reader about how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. I remember in first grade we all got our very own caterpillars and had to take care of them until they built their cocoons and became butterflies. Once they completed their transformations we released them outside. It was one of my favorite projects and one of the few memories I still have of first grade.
The book is also useful when teaching counting to your students. When going through the various fruits the caterpillar eats, pictures are shown of what he eats and how many. This could be very helpful as a visual to your students when learning to count. The pictures in the book are very colorful and beautiful. They will definitely catch the students eyes. The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a sure winner to use in your classroom with your students.
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