"Once there was a tree...and she loved a little boy". The Giving Tree is a classic children's book that can be read and appreciated by those of all ages. This touching story is about a little boy who begins a friendship with a tree and spends his days swinging from the trees branches and eating its apples. As the boy grows older, he returns to the tree looking for necessities he needs. The tree offers the boy his apples to sell, his branches to build a house,and his trunk to build a boat. Each time the boy returns asking for something new, the tree happily gives never asking anything in return. At the end of the story, the boy returns an old man. He is tired and wants to sit down. The tree, now only a stump, offers the only thing he has left. The boys sits on the tree's stump and the tree is happy.
In important theme in this story which I believe makes it an important book for children to read is the idea of giving. Not only giving, but giving without expecting anything in return. Shel Silverstein does a great job at showing the reader that the act of giving in itself is rewarding and we do not need to receive anything tangible back to be happy. The pictures in the book, though simple and only in black and white, represent every part of the story well. The book is simple and yet beautiful.
The ending could be viewed as a bit depressing, but the main ideas of giving and friendship are easy for young children to follow. The deeper meanings could be explored further if read by students in higher grades. The teacher could plan activities for the classroom to participate in after reading the story that follow the themes of the book or possibly create a classroom giving tree of their own.
The Giving Tree may have been around for many years, but its powerful themes and wonderful story are still ever present. Students of all ages will fall in love with the Giving Tree just as I have.
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