William's doll is a book about a boy named William who desperately wants a doll. He wants to hold it and take care of it as if it were his own. His brother makes fun of him and calls him a sissy for wanting a doll. His father buys him "boy" toys like a basketball and a train set. William is good at basketball and plays with the train, but it does not take the place of wanting a doll. William spends some time with his grandmother and tells her how much he wants a doll. She is not taken a back by this at all and takes him to the store and buys him one. When he comes home with it, his father is not happy. He says he is a boy and needs to play with "boy" toys. His grandmother explains that having a doll and taking care of it will prepare him for when he is a father. He then can buy a doll for his son who can also practice being a father.
I personally did not find anything controversial about this book. I understand that a doll is not a toy that is typically for boys, but I think it is time that these stereotypes between what is considered a girl toy or a boy toy is broken. When I was a kid I enjoyed playing sports and video games that were boy oriented. My parents did not find anything wrong with this and neither do I. William still plays basketball and with his train, he just also wanted a doll to take care of. I think this is an important thing because boys can learn as a young age to become more nurturing. Most people consider fathers the disciplinary one and not the nurturing one.
I think I would include this in my classroom library because it is different. All the students in my classroom will be different and will like different things. This is just one example of a boy liking a toy that some may consider not for boys and shows that it is okay. Some boys may be embarrassed to admit that they like something that is not normally for boys, but after reading this book they can see that is it okay. This book is for pre K-2nd graders. Although this book may stir up some controversy, I think it is worth included in my classroom because it is not offensive and will help break down these stereotypes we have created about boys and girls.
I also do not see anything wrong with a little boy wanting to play with a doll. I think that they should start to learn early on how to be fathers and how to take care of someone or something else. I also played with what were considered "boy" toys and my parents did not have an issue with it. I believe that the stereotypes need to be broken also because all kids are not the same and all of them will not choose to play with the same type of toys.